Current Executive Committee

Vivian Cho
I am a PhD student working with Dr. Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez. My research focuses on orogenic gold deposits in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt. I study fluid inclusions to better understand the characteristics of the mineralizing fluids and to develop a cohesive genetic model for the region.

Vice President & Webmaster
Eric Dorais
I’m a MSc student working with Dr. Rob Creaser in the Crustal Re-Os Geochronology Facility. My research is focused on applying Re-Os Geochronological methods and expanding the Re-Os chronometer of Graphite and Ni-& Co-bearing arsenides (Nickeline, Rammelsbergite, Cobaltite).

Alex Müller
I am a MSc student with Drs. Graham Pearson and Bruce Kjarsgaard in the Diamond Exploration Research Training School (DERTS) program. I am looking at Geochronology, Geochemistry, and Mineralogy of the Central Kimberlite field of Victoria Island, Nunavut.

Maria Paula Estrella
Hi! I am a PhD student, member of Dr. Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez research group. As a true ore deposit enthusiast, my project is aimed to better define the mineral distribution occurring in alkalic porphyry deposits and to understand how fluid chemistry affects the dissemination of metals, through the study of fluid and melt inclusions.

General Committee Member
Qiwei Zhang
I’m a PhD candidate working with Drs. Graham Pearson and Thomas Stachel. My research is focused on sublithospheric diamonds in the Slave Craton. I study their radiogenic (U-Pb, Sm-Nd) and stable (O, C, N) isotopes to understand deep Earth isotopic fractionation mechanisms and develop an exploration model.

Academic Sponsor
Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez
Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez got her Licenciatura in geology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, and her PhD in geochemistry at Virginia Tech. She completed a 3 year Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship at ETH, Zurich and worked as a researcher for one year at University of Arizona. She is currently an associate professor at University of Alberta.