Principle Investigator

Long Li
Associate Professor in Stable Isotope Geochemistry
My research is focused on the application of metal stable isotopes to investigate metal cycling in early-Earth and Martian analogue environments to understand geological control on the origin and evolution of life.
Current Students
My research focuses on N isotopic characterization of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle using mantle xenoliths and kimberlites.
My research focuses on understanding the early-Earth marine environments using N isotopes of BIF.
My research is focused on characterizing N isotopic signature of the lower crust and detecting crustal N recycling in the deep mantle.

Kan Li (PhD, 2022)
Current position: PDF at WHOI

Yingzhou Li (MSc, 2018)
Current position: PhD candidate at Carleton University

Yuying Deng (MSc, 2018)
Current position: working in private sector

Siwen Wei (MSc, 2017)
Current position: working in private sector

Zhe Zhang (MSc, 2018)
Current position: PhD candidate at the University of Chicago

Jianghanyang Li (MSc, 2015)
Current position: PDF at NOAA

Médéric Palot (PDF, 2014)
Recently worked as lecturer at Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne