
* Undergraduate student under my supervision.
** M.S. student under my supervision.
*** Ph.D. student under my supervision.
**** Postdoctoral fellow under my supervision.
^ HQP working under another professor’s supervision.

All symbols refer to status of author at the time that the research was performed.

64  Tyler, C. L., D. J. Molinaro***, S. E. Mendonca**, C. L. Schneider, K. M. Barclay***, & L. R. Leighton. 2019. Repair scars preserve baseline patterns of predation intensity despite short-term ecological disturbances. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 29:2018 – 2025. doi: 10.1002/aqc.3202

63  Gaylord, B., K. M. Barclay,*** B. M. Jellison^, L. J. Jurgens, L. R. Leighton, A. T. Ninokawa^, E. B. Rivest. 2019. Ocean change within shoreline communities: From biomechanics to behavior and beyond.
Conservation Physiology, 7:coz077. doi: 10.1093/conphys/coz077

62  Barclay, K. M***., B. Gaylord, B. M. Jellison^, P. Shukla^, E. Sanford, & L. R. Leighton. 2019. Variation in the effects of ocean acidification on shell growth and strength in two intertidal gastropods. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 626:109 – 121. doi: 10.3354/meps13056

61  Dievert, R. V.*, K. M. Barclay***, D. J. Molinaro***, & L. R. Leighton. 2019. Evaluating the effects of morphology and orientation on feeding in atrypide brachiopods using 3-D printed models. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 527, 77 – 86, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.04.020

60  Garcia, E. A.*, D. J. Molinaro***, & L. R. Leighton. 2018. Testing the function of productide brachiopod spines on arenaceous substrates using 3D printed models. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.09.020

59  Dyer, A. D.*, E. R. Ellis*, D. J. Molinaro***, & L. R. Leighton. 2018. Experimental fragmentation of gastropod shells by sediment compaction: Implications for interpreting drilling predation intensities in the fossil record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.08.018

58  Mendonca, S. E.**, K. M. Barclay***, C. L. Schneider, D. J. Molinaro***, A. Webb****, F. L. Forcino, & L. R. Leighton. 2018. Analyzing trends in tropical Devonian brachiopod communities through environmental change in the Waterways Formation of Northern Alberta. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 506, 84-100. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.06.020

57  Pruden, M. J*., & Leighton, L. R. 2018 Exploring the Species–Area Relationship Within a Paleontological Context, and the Implications for Modern Conservation Biology. In: Tyler, C.L, and Schneider, C. L. (eds.) Marine Conservation Biology. Topics in Geobiology, 47, Springer International Publishing, Dordrech, 141 – 159. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73795-9_7

56  Pruden, M. J.*, Mendonca, S. E.**, & Leighton, L. R. 2018 The effects of predation on the preservation of ontogenetically young individuals. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 490, 404-414. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.11.019

55  Leighton, L.R., Chojnacki, N.*, Stafford, E.S.***, Tyler, C.L.^, & Schneider C.L. 2016 Categorization of shell fragments provides a proxy for environmental energy and predation intensity.  Journal of the Geological Society. doi: 10.1144/jgs2015-086.

54  Forcino, F.L.***, Twerdy, P.A.*, Leighton, L.R., Cahill, J.F. Jr. 2015 Reexamining sample size requirements for multivariate, abundance-based community research: when resources are limited, the research does not have to be.  PLOS One 10(6): e0128379. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0128379.

53  Barclay, K.M.**, Schneider, C.L., & Leighton, L.R. 2015 Mapping sclerobiosis: a new method for interpreting the distribution, biological implications, and paleoenvironmental significance of sclerobionts on biotic hosts.  Paleobiology 41, 592-609. DOI: 10.1017/PAB.2015.23

52  Stafford, E.S.***, Dietl, G., Gingras, M., & Leighton, L.R. 2015 Caedichnus, a new ichnogenus representing predatory attack on the gastropod shell aperture.  Ichnos 22, 87-102.

51  Barclay, K.M.**, Schneider, C.L., & Leighton, L.R. 2015 Breaking the mold: Using biomechanical experiments to assess the life orientation of dorsibiconvex brachiopods.  Paleobiology 41, 122-133.

50  Tyler, C.L.^, Stafford, E.S.***, & Leighton, L.R. 2015 The utility of wax replicas as a measure of crab attack frequency in the rocky intertidal.  Journal of the Marine Biological Association (UK) 95:361-369. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315414001210

49  Stafford, E.S.***, Tyler, C.L.^, & Leighton, L.R. 2014 Repair frequency of an intertidal gastropod tracks predator abundance.  Marine Ecology 2014:1-9. DOI: 10.1111/maec.12219

48  Molinaro, D.J.***, Stafford, E.S.***, Collins, B.M.J.**, Barclay, K.M.**, Tyler, C.L.^, & Leighton, L.R. 2014 Peeling out predation intensity in the fossil record: a test of repair scar frequency as a suitable proxy for predation pressure.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 412, 141-147.

47  Tyler, C.L.**, Leighton, L.R., & Kowalewski, M. 2014 The effects of limpet morphology on predation by adult cancrid crabs.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 451, 9-15.

46  Tyler, C.L.^, Leighton, L.R., Carlson, S.J., Huntley, J.W.^, & Kowalewski, M. 2013 Predation on modern and fossil brachiopods: Assessing chemical defenses and palatability.  Palaios 28, 724-735.

45  Forcino, F.L.***, Barclay, K.M.**, Schneider, C.L., Linge-Johnsen, S.A.*, & Leighton, L.R. 2013 The influence of dataset decisions on paleocommunity results: comparison of different categorizations of two datasets from Devonian carbonate units.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 386, 479-491.

44  Molinaro, D.J.***, Collins, B.M.J.**, Burns, M.E.^, Stafford, E.S.***, & Leighton, L.R. 2013 Do predatory drill holes influence the transport and deposition of gastropod shells? Lethaia 46, 508-517.

43  Barclay, K.M.*, Schneider, C.L., & Leighton, L.R. 2013 Palaeoecology of Devonian sclerobionts and their brachiopod hosts from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: 383-384: 79-91.

42  Johnsen, S.A.L.*, Ahmed, M.*, & Leighton, L.R. 2013 The effect of spines of a Devonian productide brachiopod on durophagous predation.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: 375: 30-37.

41  Chojnacki, N.* & Leighton, L.R. 2013 Comparing predatory drillholes to taphonomic damage from simulated wave action on a modern gastropod.  Historical Biology. 1-11.

40  Leighton, L.R., Webb, A.E.**, & Sawyer, J.A.** 2013 Ecological effects of the Paleozoic-Modern faunal transition: Comparing predation on Paleozoic brachiopods and molluscs.  Geology: 41: 275-278.

39  Forcino, F.L.***, Stafford, E.S.***, & Leighton, L.R. 2012 Perception of paleocommunities at different taxonomic levels: How low must you go?  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 365–366: 48–56.

38  Richards, E.J.* & Leighton, L.R. 2012 Size refugia from predation through time: A case-study of two Middle Devonian brachiopod genera.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 363–364: 163–171.

37  Forcino, F.L.***, Richards, E.J.*, Leighton, L.R., Chojnacki, N.*, & Stafford, E.S.*** 2012 The sensitivity of paleocommunity sampling strategy at different spatiotemporal scales.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 313-314: 246-253.

36  Bose, R.^, Schneider, C.L., Leighton, L.R., & Polly, P.D. 2011 Influence of atrypid morphological shape on Devonian episkeletobiont assemblages from the lower Genshaw Formation of the Traverse Group of Michigan: A geometric morphometric approach.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 310: 427-441.

35  Tyler, C.L.** & Leighton, L.R. 2011 Detecting Competition in the Fossil Record: Support for Character Displacement among Ordovician Brachiopods.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 307: 205-217.

34  Stafford, E.** & Leighton, L.R. 2011 Applying Vermeij Crushing Analysis: A new old technique for estimating crushing predation in gastropod assemblages.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 305: 123-137.

33  Webb, A.E.^ & Leighton, L.R. 2011 Assessing the role of extinction in the evolution of early life.  In: Laflamme, M., Schiffbauer, J.D., and Dornbos, S. (eds.): Quantifying the Evolution of Early Life: Numerical and Technological Approaches to the Study of Fossils and Ancient Ecosystems. Topics in Geobiology, 36, Springer, Dordrecht, 185-220.

32  Leighton, L.R. 2011 Analyzing predation from the dawn of the Phanerozoic.  In: Laflamme, M., Schiffbauer, J.D., and Dornbos, S. (eds.): Quantifying the Evolution of Early Life: Numerical and Technological Approaches to the Study of Fossils and Ancient Ecosystems. Topics in Geobiology, 36, Springer, Dordrecht, 73-109.

31  Forcino, F.L.^, Stafford, E.S.**, Warner, J.J.^, Webb, A.E.**, Leighton, L.R., Schneider, C.L., Michlin, T.S.*, Palazzolo, L.M.*, Morrow, J.R., & Schellenberg, S.A. 2010 Effects of data categorization on paleocommunity analysis: A case study from the Pennsylvanian Finis Shale of Texas.  Palaios. 25: 144-157.

30  Webb, A.**, Leighton, L.R., Schellenberg, S.A., Landau, E.^, & Thomas, E. 2009 Impact of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum on deep-ocean microbenthic community structure: Using rank-abundance curves to quantify paleoecological response.  Geology. 37: 783-786.

29  Redman, C.M.** & Leighton, L.R. 2009 Multivariate faunal analyses of the Turonian Bissekty Formation: Variation in the degree of marine influence in temporally and spatially averaged fossil assemblages.  Palaios. 24: 18-26.

28  Schiffbauer, J.D.^, Yanez, Y.^, Tyler, C.L.^, Kowalewski, M., & Leighton, L.R. 2008 Microstructural criteria for identifying drill holes of predatory origin.  Palaios. 23: 810-820.

27  Mills, B.* & Leighton, L.R. 2008 Functional morphology of chonetidine spines: Biomechanical tests of a key innovation.  Historical Biology. 20: 213-221.

26  Leighton, L.R. & Schneider, C.L. 2008 Taxon characteristics promoting brachiopod survivorship through the Permo-Triassic interval: Implications for the change in evolutionary faunas.  Paleobiology: 34:65-79.

25  Redman, C.M.**, Leighton, L.R., Schellenberg, S.A., Gale, C.N.^, Nielsen, J.L.^, Dressler, D.L. III**, & Klinger, M.K.** 2007 The influence of spatio-temporal scale on community structure: Lateral variation in the Imperial Formation (Pliocene) of California.  Palaios: 22:630-641.

24  Kowalewski, M., & Leighton, L.R. 2007 Predator-prey interactions: Experimental and field approaches.  Journal of Shellfish Research. 26:217-220.

23  Leighton, L.R. 2005 Comment – A new angle on strophomenid paleoecology.  Palaios.  20:596-599.

22  Leighton, L.R. 2005 The latitudinal diversity gradient through deep time: Testing the “age of the tropics” hypothesis.  Evolutionary Ecology.  19:563-581.

21  Leighton, L.R. 2004 Are we asking the right question?  Palaios.  19:315-316.

20  Leighton, L.R. & Schneider, C.L. 2004 Neighbor Proximity Analysis, a technique for assessing spatial patterns in the fossil record.  Palaios.  19:396-407.

19  Leighton, L.R. 2003 Morphological response of prey to drilling predation in the Middle Devonian.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.  201(3-4):221-234.

18  Aronowsky, A.^, & Leighton, L.R. 2003 Exciting research on boring predation.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.  201(3-4):183-184.

17  Leighton, L.R. 2003 Predation on brachiopods.  In: Kelley, P.H., Kowalewski, M., and Hansen, T.A. (eds.): Predator-Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record. Topics in Geobiology, 20, Kluwer/Plenum, New York, pp. 215-237.

16  Aronowsky, A.^, & Leighton, L.R. 2003 Comment on “Mystery of naticid predation solved”.  Geology.  31:e34.

15  Vermeij, G.J., & Leighton, L.R. 2003 Is global biodiversity meaningful?  Paleobiology.  29:3-7.

14  Leighton, L.R. 2002 Inferring predation intensity from the marine fossil record.  Paleobiology.  28:328-342.

13  Fisher, D.C., Foote, M., Fox, D.L., & Leighton, L.R. 2002 Stratigraphy in phylogeny reconstruction – Comment on Smith (2000).  Journal of Paleontology.  76:585-586.

12  Leighton, L.R. & Maples, C.G. 2002 Evaluating the importance of internal versus external characters: Phylogenetic analyses of the Echinoconchidae, Buxtoniinae, and Juresaniinae.  Journal of Paleontology.  76:659-671

11  Hermoyian, C.S.^, Leighton, L.R., & Kaplan, P.K.^ 2002 Limiting similarity and Hutchinsonian ratios in the fossil record.  Geology.  30:15-18.

10  Carlson, S.J. & Leighton, L.R. 2001 Incorporating stratigraphic data in phylogenetic analyses of the Rhynchonelliformea.  In: Brunton, C.H.C., Cox, L.R.M., Long, S.R. (eds.) Brachiopods Past and Present, Proceedings of the Fourth International Brachiopod Congress, Systematics Association Special Volume 63:248-258.

9    Leighton, L.R. 2001 New directions in the paleoecology of Paleozoic brachiopods.  In: Carlson, S.J., and Sandy, M.R. (eds.): Brachiopods Ancient and Modern. The Paleontological Society Papers, 7:185-205.

8    Carlson, S.J. & Leighton, L.R. 2001 The phylogeny and classification of Rhynchonelliformea.  In: Carlson, S.J., and Sandy, M.R. (eds.): Brachiopods Ancient and Modern. The Paleontological Society Papers, 7:27-51.

7    Leighton, L.R. 2001 New example of Devonian predatory boreholes and the influence of brachiopod spines on predator success.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 165(1/2):53-69.

6    Leighton, L.R. 2000 Environmental distribution of spinose brachiopods from the Devonian of New York: Test of the soft-substrate hypothesis.  Palaios.  15:184-193.

5    Fox, D.L., Fisher, D.C., & Leighton, L.R. 1999 Reconstructing phylogeny with and without temporal data.  Science.  284:1816-1819.

4    Baumiller, T.K., Leighton, L.R., & Thompson, D.L. 1999 Boreholes in Mississippian spiriferide brachiopods and their implications for Paleozoic gastropod drilling.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.  147(3-4):283-289.

3    Leighton, L.R. 1999 Possible latitudinal predation gradient in middle Paleozoic oceans.  Geology.  27(1):47-50.

2    Leighton, L.R. 1998 Constraining functional hypotheses: controls on the morphology of the concavo-convex brachiopod RafinesquinaLethaia.  31(4):293-307.

1    Leighton, L.R., & Savarese, M. 1996 Functional and taphonomic implications of Ordovician strophomenid brachiopod morphology.  In Copper, P. & Jin, J. (eds.): Brachiopods, Proceedings of the Third International Brachiopod Congress, Sudbury, ON,  Canada, pp. 161-168.