FFMPEG: convert image sequence into a movie

Make sure all images are in sequence, i.e.:
…to create a movie with the following settings:
-r 6: 6 frame per seconds
-b 320k: 320kbps bitrate
-i %04d.jpg: input file(s)
-s 480×360: out video size (width x height)
-vcodec libx264: what video codec (video encoder/decoder) will be used
image sequence to FLV:
ffmpeg.exe -r 6 -b 320k -i %04d.jpg -s 480×360 -vcodec libx264 output.mp4
image sequence to FLV:
ffmpeg.exe -r 6 -b 320k -i %04d.jpg -f flv -s 480×360 output.flv
sample (mp4 file will open in a new window)

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