Healing Earth, Envisioning Space: Indigenous Knowledge and Partnerships for a Resilient Future Thursday, February 27 at 12PM (MDT) Cameron Library 2-20-A, Digital Scholarship Centre Bio: Shí éí Alvin Harvey yinishyé. Tó baazhni’ázhi nishłį́. Honágháahnii bashishchiin. Dághaałchííʼ dashicheii. Kiyaa’áanii dashinalí. My
2023 – Dr. Hillary Corlett
Unpredictable pathways: Subsurface radon and an academic career never envisioned Friday, November 25 at 12PM (MDT) in Tory 3-36 Abstract: The Devonian period saw an increase in terrestrial organic matter abundance through the development of tree root networks and forest
2022 – Dr. Cathy Ryan
Unpredictable pathways: Subsurface radon and an academic career never envisioned Friday, November 25 at 12PM (MDT) in Tory 3-36 Abstract: Radon inhalation is a leading cause of lung cancer. While the soil zone is the main source of radon in indoor
2022 – Ask the EAS Faculty
Failure and Imposter Phenomenon Discussion Wednesday, February 16 at 11:00AM (MDT): Drs Tom Chacko, Alberto Reyes, and Sasha Wilson Abstract: Experiencing failure in research is more common than success and often leads to feelings of disheartenment and inadequacy. Despite it
2022 – Dr. David McNamara
Macro and microscale structural geology: applications to geothermal energy Thursday, January 20 at 11:00AM (MDT): Dr. David McNamara Abstract: Many conventional and enhanced, geothermal reservoirs are hosted in rocks with low intrinsic permeability. As such, successful development of these resources
2021 – Dr. Lavanya Ashokkumar
Future projections of global-sea level rates from glacier models Thursday, December 2 at 11:00AM (MDT): Dr. Lavanya Ashokkumar Abstract: Glaciers contribute significantly to mass loss and sea-level rates. Apart from anthropogenic causes, thermal and ocean warming are the major causes
2021 – Dr. Emily Martin
The Unsurprising Secret of Enceladus’s Plume Thursday, November 18 at 11:00AM (MDT): Dr. Emily Martin Abstract: Pit chain formation on Enceladus is consistent with extension fracturing or dilational faulting and Enceladus is the only body in the outer solar system
2021 – Dr. Karletta Chief
Community Driven University Partnerships to Assess Exposures and Risk Perceptions of Diné Communities following the Gold King Mine Spill Thursday, October 21 at 11:00AM (MDT): Dr. Karletta Chief Abstract: On August 5, 2015, 3 million gallons of acid mine drainage
2021 – Dr. Dawn Sumner
Asking Different Questions About the Great Oxidation Event Thursday, April 1 at 11:00AM (MDT): Dr. Dawn Sumner Abstract: The Great Oxidation Event changed Earth’s surface oxidation state, on average. However, this transformation depended on the accumulated effects of cyanobacterial evolution,
2021 – Dr. Lisa White
Integrating virtual fieldwork, paleontology collections, and visualization tools to enhance geoscience instruction for diverse audiences Thursday, March 4 at 11:00AM (MDT): Dr. Lisa White Abstract: The extensive fossil holdings and significant online resources at the University of California Museum of