
Geothermobarometry: PTEXL

An Excel spreadsheet for geothermobarometry of mantle rocks (peridotites, eclogites, pyroxenites) and inclusions in diamond. For more information, see “PTEXL Docu English.doc” included in the ZIP file

Four very much homemade video recordings for my Advanced Petrology class (2021) explaining the use of PTEXL are included. A few misspeaks  in the 3rd movie are corrected with text patches.

 Download PTEXL_2022

Modelling of stable isotope fractionation during diamond formation: DiaRIF and RIFMS

Two Excel spreadsheets for calculating Rayleigh fractionation of carbon and nitrogen isotopes and N content during diamond precipitation. DiaRIF models precipitation from a single carbon species, RIFMS models diamond precipitation in presence of two carbon species.

Download DiaRIF and RIFMS

Diamond inclusion database: Diamond_Database

A database of major element compositions of mineral inclusions in diamond, combined with physical, IR-spectroscopic and stable isotopic characteristics of their host diamonds. Contains over 10,000 entries. A dictionary explaining all data columns and providing references for data sources is also available for download.

Download Diamond_Database

Trace element data for inclusions in diamond: Diamond_Traces

Database of major and trace element compositions of mineral inclusions in diamond, combined with physical, IR-spectroscopic and stable isotopic characteristics of their host diamonds. Contains almost 1000 entries. A dictionary explaining all data columns is also available for download.

Download Diamond_Traces

Diamond physical and chemical characteristics database: Diamond_Phys

A database of physical and IR-spectroscopic characteristics (including nitrogen content and aggregation state) and stable isotopic compositions (d13C and d15N) of principally inclusion-bearing diamonds.

Both .csv and .xlsx versions of the Excel spreadsheet are available; the .xlsx file is recommended for download as the .csv file only contains the data worksheet. A dictionary explaining all data columns and providing references for data sources is also available for download.

Download Diamond_Phys