Scott’s research is dedicated to better understanding animal-sediment relationships and how they aid in the interpretation of sedimentary environments. He is investigating how burrow distributions can be used to determine benthic colonization trends, and how these trends help refine sedimentary facies models.
- CAPP Graduate Scholarship in Geology (2022/23)
- Evelyn Wigham (nee Linke) PhD Scholarship in Geology (2022/23)
- CAPP Graduate Scholarship in Geology (2021/22)
- Alberta Graduate Excellence Award (2020/21)
- Evelyn Wigham (nee Linke) PhD Scholarship in Geology (2020/21)
- CSPG Regional Graduate Student Scholarship, PhD (2019/20)
- Alberta Graduate Excellence Award (2019/20)
- CAPP Graduate Scholarship in Geology (2019/20)
- APEGA Fund in Geology and Geophysics (2016/17)
- Bill Elder Scholarship in Geology (2016/17)
- Jimmy Marshall Scholarship in Science (2016/17)
- Jason Lang Scholarship (2013/14, 2014/15, 2016/17)
- Melnyk, S., Cowper, A., Zonneveld, J.P. & Gingras, M.K. (2022) Applications of photogrammetry to neoichnological studies: The significance of shorebird trackway distributions at the Bay of Fundy. PALAIOS, in press.
- Melnyk, S., Lazowski, C. & Gingras, M.K. (2022) The sedimentological and ecological significance of an unusual biodeformational structure related to a feeding behavior in gulls (Larus). Ichnos, in press.
- Chen, Q., Melnyk, S., Shchepetkina, A. & Gingras, M.K. (2022) Integrating Facies Analysis with Dipmeter Data to Characterize Point Bars of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Christina River, AB, Canada. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 136, 105449.
- Feng, C., Melnyk, S., Ross, C., Shanley, K., Zonneveld, J. P., & Gingras, M. K. (2021). Lithofacies-dependent pore-throat radii and reservoir properties in the Lower Triassic Montney Formation, Puskwaskau Field, Alberta. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 131, 105157.
- Swaren, L., Hao, W., Melnyk, S., Baker, D., Li, Y., Owttrim, G. W., Hongbo, Z., Gingras, M.K., Alessi, D.S. & Konhauser, K. O. (2020). Surface reactivity of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803–Implications for trace metals transport to the oceans. Chemical Geology, 562, 120045.
- Melnyk, S., Packer, S., Zonneveld, J.P., Gingras, M.K. (2020) A new marine woodground ichnotaxon from the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 95 (1), 162-169.
- Melnyk, S., & Gingras, M.K. (2020) Using ichnological relationships to interpret heterolithic fabrics in fluvio-tidal settings. Sedimentology, 67(2), 1069-1083.
Posters, Presentations and Field Seminars
- Melnyk, S., & Gingras, M.K. (2019) Interpreting Heterolithic Fabrics Using Ichnological Relationships: Case Study From the McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition (abstract and oral presentation).
- Gingras, M.K., LaGrange Rao, M., Melnyk, S. (2019) Lower Cambrian Bioturbated Beds. Geobiology Society Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada (field trip).
- Melnyk, S. & Gingras, M.K. (2018) Facies Analysis and Stratigraphic Framework of the McMurray Formation in Twp 98, Rge 8W4. McMurray Geology Consortium Annual Meeting (poster presentation).
- Melnyk, S., Prenoslo, D., & Gingras, M.K. Sedimentological and Ichnological Analysis of the Cold Lake Clearwater Formation. ATLAS Undergraduate Research Symposium (poster presentation).
Media Coverage
- Hazra, D. (2020, January 21) U of A Graduate Student’s Trace Fossil Find Leads to Naming of New Marine Animal. Retrieved from https://thegatewayonline.ca/2021/01/u-of-a-graduate-students-trace-fossil-find-leads-to-naming-of-new-marine-animal/
- Lyle, A. (2020, August 31) Graduate student names new trace fossil discovered during coursework. Retrieved from https://www.ualberta.ca/science/news/2020/august/marine-trace-fossil.html
- Paleontologists Find 110-Million-Year-Old Wood-Boring Trace Fossil (2020, September 3). Retrieved from http://www.sci-news.com/paleontology/apectoichnus-lignummasticans-08810.html