Rights and the City: Problems, Progress and Practice

Right and the City




























Rights and the City takes stock of rights struggles and progress in cities by exploring the tensions that exist between different concepts of rights. The volume’s contributors examine the legal, conceptual, and philosophical aspects of rights, including its various forms—human, Indigenous, housing, property rights, and various other forms of rights. Using empirical evidence and examples, they translate the philosophical and legal aspects of rights into more practical terms and applications. The book draws on municipalities from across Canada, while also making broad international comparisons. Scholars, policy makers, and activists with an interest in urban studies, planning, and law will find much of value throughout this volume.

The contributors are: Sandeep Agrawal (editor and author of 4 chapters), Rachelle Alterman, Sasha Best, Alexandra Flynn, Eran S. Kaplinsky, Ola P. Malik, Jennifer A. Orange, Michelle L. Oren, Renée Vaugeois. Afterword by Benjamin Davy.

An interesting tidbit about the cover design: The font type used here originated in a civil rights movement, which provides a nice connection with the book, signalling protest and activism.

University of Alberta Press


Human Rights in Alberta

With the growing number of human rights challenges in planning matters, understanding of human rights among planners is becoming imperative. This article explains the basics of human rights and related legislation, as well as a few new and emerging human rights issues in planning. Based on the case law and existing jurisprudence, it also provides some possible solutions to guard against future challenges.

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  • Opinion on the Provisions of Group Homes in the City-wide Zoning By-Law of the City of Toronto – Download Group Homes – Opinion


Agrawal. S. 2020. Human Rights and the City: A View From Canada, Journal of the American Planning Association.

Agrawal. S. 2019. Right to the City: Human Rights and Canadian Cities. Plan Canada. Vol.59 No 01. Pp 209 – 214.

Agrawal. S. 2014. Balancing Municipal Planning with Human rights: A Case Study. Canadian Journal of Urban Research. 23:1. Pp 1-20.