I have a Ph.D. in Soil Science with a background in soil-water-plant relationships; I also have several years of research experience at the Soil and Water Research Institute (Iran). I am very interested in climate change, global warming, extreme climatic events, and their impact on human life, particularly from an agricultural perspective. With the goal of enhancing my knowledge on this matter, I joined the Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory (WSML) as a research assistant in April 2022, under the supervision of Dr. Faramarzi.
We are currently working on projects dealing with modelling the negative impacts of extreme climatic events on the carbon-soil-water-plant relationships and trade-offs, simulation of their future trend, and identifying best agricultural management practices to minimize the damages of prospective extreme events to the agricultural sector, especially in Canadian Prairies. The outcomes of these projects will equip policymakers and farmers in the region to execute best management practices under the changing climate.
Email: pmaleki@ualberta.ca