I am a PhD student working at Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory under supervision of Dr. Monireh Faramarzi. Before joining this PhD position at Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta,I worked as a research associate glaciologist at the “International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development”,the knowledge centre based in Kathmandu, Nepal, where I was heavily involved in the field based monitoring of Himalayan snow and glaciers to understand the key processes that affect and add uncertainties to seasonal and annual mass balances, interaction between atmospheric processes and glacier dynamics through analyses of data collected from stake, snow pit and automatic weather stations. I also worked with various glacio-hydrological models to understand the snow and glacier-melt contribution in the Himalayan river basins. Here at Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory, my PhD will focus on water resources modelling and management and development of interactive tools and models to specifically study the dynamic processes involved in ground and surface water supply under changing climate.
I am fascinated by my surroundings and see greatness in everything and everyone.
In my leisure time, I go trekking and hiking, read fiction and magical realism, listen to classic rock, and do some gardening.