Badrul Masud

I have joined the Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory (WSML) at the University of Alberta as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in September 2016. Prior that I pursued my PhD from the University of Saskatchewan (2016). I hold a B.Sc. Engg. (Agril.) from Bangladesh Agricultural University (2007) and M.Engg. with honors from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2012). My current research at the WSML involves development and application of the process-based hydrological models to study bio-physical processes involved in prediction of agricultural crop yields and consumptive water use under uncertain geo-spatial and climate conditions. Stochastic analysis and uncertainty assessment is an integral part of my research analysis. I will apply predictive models to bridge the current natural science studies into the application and policy in assessing water-related risk and opportunities in different management sectors including water resources and agriculture. I have experience in analyzing various hydro-climatic dry and wet extremes, which include droughts and floods, using different higher end statistical approaches (e.g., multivariate copula) and their impact on local and regional resources. My research interest includes, however, not limited to: climate change and variability, modeling hydro-meteorological extremes, large-scale water resources modeling and management, water security, water footprint and virtual water trade.

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