Mohamed Ammar

Mohamed has joined the Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory (WSML) in January 2018 as a research assistant studying the shifts in flood regimes and flood frequency curves due to climate change using a hybrid approach that combines various threshold selection and Generalized Pareto (GP) distribution parameters estimation methods. As of September 2018, he will be joining the WSML as a Postdoctoral Fellow to work on projecting the future water demands of Alberta under various socio-economic, technical, and environmental factors, and policy choices. This work is part of the “Adapting to Changing Water in Alberta” (ACWA) project (

Mohamed holds a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in Civil Engineering from Cairo University in Egypt in 2010, and a Master of Science degree in Water Resources Management from the Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering in Cairo University in 2012. Mohamed has completed his Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Alberta in August 2018. Before pursuing his graduate studies, he worked as an environmental engineer at Dar Al-Handasah Shair & Partners. Mohamed grew up in Cairo in Egypt and moved to Canada in 2012.

Mohamed’s research interests are in the area of water resources engineering and management, and in particular, the development of process-based system dynamics models and participatory modeling approaches in water resources management, crop growth modeling in system dynamics, modeling social attributes in water resources management, and integration of process-based models with socio-economic system dynamics models.