Key Publications

For more information about the “primary” and “applied” science at the Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory please refer to our selected publications:


2024 — Khalili, P., Konar, M., Faramarzi., M., Modelling the impacts of future droughts and post-droughts on hydrology, crop yields, and their linkages through assessing virtual water trade in agricultural watersheds of high-latitude regions., Journal of Hydrology, DOI:

2024 — Huang, Y., Jiang, Y., Jiang, B., Bailey, R.T., Masud, B., Smerdon, B., Faramarzi, M., Modelling impacts of climate change on snow drought, groundwater drought, and their feedback mechanism in a snow-dominated watershed in western Canada., Journal of Hydrology, DOI:

2023 — Khalili, P., Razavi, S., Davies, E.G.R., Alessi, D., Faramarzi, M., Assessment of blue water-green water interchange under extreme warm and dry events across different ecohydrological regions of western Canada, Faramarzi, M., Journal of Hydrology, DOI:

2023 — Wampler, K.A., Bladon, K.D., Faramarzi, M., Modeling wildfire effects on streamflow in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon, USA., Journal of Hydrology, DOI:

2023 — Du, X., Faramarzi, M., Qi, J., Lei, Q., Liu, H., Investigating hydrological transport pathways of dissolved organic carbon in cold region watershed based on a watershed biogeochemical model, Environmental Pollution. DOI:

2023 — Silwal, G., Ammar, M.E., Thapa, A., Bonsal, B., Faramarzi, M., Response of glacier modelling parameters to time, space, and model complexity: Examples from eastern slopes of Canadian Rocky Mountains, Science of the Total Environment. DOI:

2023 — Chen, Y., Faramarzi, M., Gan, T.H., She, Y., Evaluation and uncertainty assessment of weather data and model calibration on daily streamflow simulation in a large-scale regulated and snow-dominated river basin, Journal of Hydrology. DOI:

2023 — Rufino, P.R., Gücker, B., Faramarzi, M., Boëchat, I.G., Cardozo, F.d.S., Santos, P.R., Zanin, G.D., Mataveli, G., Pereira, G. Evaluation of the SWAT Model for the Simulation of Flow and Water Balance Based on Orbital Data in a Poorly Monitored Basin in the Brazilian Amazon. Geographies.

2022 — Han, Y., Du, X., Farjad, B., Goss, G., Gupta, A., Faramarzi, M. A numerical modeling framework for simulating the key in-stream fate processes of PAH decay in Muskeg River Watershed, Alberta, Canada. Science of the Total Environment. DOI:

2022 — Zarehmehrjardy, M., Victor, J., Park, S., Smerdon, B., Alessi, D., Faramarzi, M. Assessment of snowmelt and groundwater-surface water dynamics in mountains, foothills, and plains regions in northern latitudes. Journal of Hydrology. DOI:

2021 — Cordeiro, M.R.C., Mengistu, G.F., Pogue, S.J., Legesse, G., Gunte, K.E., Taylor, A.M., Ominski, K.H., Beauchemin, K.A., McGeough, E.J., Faramarzi, M., McAllister, T.A. Assessing feed security for beef production within livestock-intensive regions. Agricultural Systems. DOI:

2021 — Du, X., Silwal, G., Faramarzi, M. Investigating the impacts of glacier melt on stream temperature in a cold-region watershed: Coupling a glacier melt model with a hydrological model. Journal of Hydrology. DOI:

2021 — Masud, B., Cui, Q., Ammar, M.E., Bonsal, B.R., Islam, Z., Faramarzi, M. Means and Extremes: Evaluation of a CMIP6 Multi-Model Ensemble in Reproducing Historical Climate Characteristics across Alberta, Canada. Water. DOI:

2021 — Khalili, P., Masud, B., Qian, B., Mezbahuddin, S., Dyck, M., Faramarzi, M. Non-stationary response of rain-fed spring wheat yield to future climate change in northern latitudes. Science of the Total Environment. DOI:

2021 — Zaremehrjardy, M., Razavi, S., Faramarzi, M. Assessment of the cascade of uncertainty in future snow depth projections across watersheds of mountainous, foothill, and plain areas in northern latitudes. Journal of Hydrology. PDF: ZaremehrjardyEtAl2021

2020 — Cui, Q., Ammar, M.E., Iravani, M., Kariyeva, J., Faramarzi, M. Regional wetland water storage changes: The influence of future climate on geographically isolated wetlands. Ecological Indicators. DOI:

2020 — Loiselle, D., Du, X., Alessi, D.S., Bladon, K.D., Faramarzi, M. Projecting impacts of wildfire and climate change on streamflow, sediment, and organic carbon yields in a forested watershed. Journal of Hydrology. DOI:

2020 — Du, X., Goss, G., Faramarzi, M. Impacts of Hydrological Processes on Stream Temperature in a Cold Region Watershed Based on the SWAT Equilibrium Temperature Model. Water. DOI:

2020 — Du, X., Loiselle, D., Alessi, D.S., Faramarzi, M., Hydro-climate and biogeochemical processes control watershed organic carbon inflows: Development of an in-stream organic carbon module coupled with a process-based hydrologic model, Science of The Total Environment. DOI:

2020 — Ammar, M.E., Gharib, A., Islam, Z., Davies, E.G.R., Seneka, M., Faramarzi, M., Future floods using hydroclimatic simulations and peaks over threshold: An alternative to nonstationary analysis inferred from trend tests, Advances in Water Resources. DOI:

2019 — Masud, B., Qian, B., Faramarzi, M., Performance of multivariate and multiscalar drought indices in identifying impacts on crop production, International Journal of Climatology. DOI:

2019 — Iravani, M., White, S.R., Farr, D.R., Habib, T.J., Kariyeva, J., Faramarzi, M., Assessing the provision of carbon-related ecosystem services across a range of temperate grassland systems in western Canada, Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.083

2019 — Vaghefi, S.A.,  Iravani, M., Sauchyn, D., Andreichuk, Y., Goss, G., Faramarzi, M., Regionalization and parameterization of a hydrologic model significantly affect the cascade of uncertainty in climate-impact projections, Climate Dynamics. DOI:

2019 — Chunn, D., Faramarzi, M., Smerdon, B., Alessi, D.S., Application of an intergrated SWAT-MODFLOW model to evaluate potential impacts of climate change and water withdrawals on groundwater-surface water interactions in west-central Alberta, Water 11(1): 110. DOI: 10.3390/w11010110.

2019 — Masud, M.B., Wada, Y., Goss, G., Faramarzi, M., Global implications of regional grain production through virtual water trade, Science of the total environment 659: 807-820. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.392.

2018 — Masud, M.B., Ferdous, J., Faramarzi, M.,  Projected changes in hydrological variables in the agricultural region of Alberta, CanadaWater  1–20. DOI: 10.3390/w10121810.

2018 — Cordeiro, M.R.C., Lelyk, G., Kröbel, R., Legesse, G., Faramarzi, M., Masud, B.M., McAllister, T., Deriving a dataset for agriculturally relevant soils from the Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) database for use in Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) simulationsEarth System Science Data: 10(3) 1673-1686. DOI: 10.5194/essd-10-1673-2018.

2018 — Farsani, I.F., Farzanah, M.R., Besalatpour, A.A., Faramarzi, M., Assessment of the impact of climate change on spatiotemporal variability of blue and green water resources under CMIP3 and CMIP5 models in a highly mountainous watershedTheoretical and Applied Climatology. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2474-9

2018 — Masud, M.B., McAllister, T., Cordeiro, M.R.C., Faramarzi, M., Modeling future water footprint of barley production in Alberta, Canada: Implications for water use and yields to 2064, Science of the Total Environment 616-617: 208-222. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.004.

2017 — Farjad, B., Gupta, A., Razavi, S., Faramarzi, M., Marceau, D.J., An integrated modelling system to predict hydrological processes under climate and land-use/cover change scenariosWater 9: 767. DOI: 10.3390/w9100767.

2017 — Saiedi, N., Besalatpour, A.A., Shirani, H., Abbaszadeh Dehaji, P., Esfandiarpour, I., Faramarzi, M., Aggregation and fractal dimension of aggregates formed in sand dunes stabilized by PistachioPAM and PistachioPVAc mulches, European Journal of Soil Science 68: 783-791.

2017 — Gharib, A., Davies, E.G.R., Goss, G.G., Faramarzi, M., Assessment of the combined effects of threshold selection and parameter estimation of generalized pareto distribution with applications to flood frequency analysis, Water 9, 692. DOI: 10.3390/w9090692.

2017  —  Azari, M., Saghafian B., Moradi, M.R., Faramarzi,M., Effectiveness of soil and water conservation practices under climate change in Gorganroud basin, Iran, CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water: 45, 1700288, 12pp. DOI:10.1002/clen.201700288.

2017  —  Ashraf Vaghefi, S., Abbaspour, K., Faramarzi, M., Srinivasan, R., Arnold, J.G., Modeling crop water productivity using a coupled SWAT-MODSIM model, Water 9: 157, w9030157, 15pp. DOI:10.3390.

2017  —  Faramarzi, M., Abbaspour, K., Adamowicz, W.L., Lu, W., Fennell, J., Zehnder, A.J.B, Goss, G., Uncertainty based assessment of dynamic freshwater scarcity in semi-arid watersheds of Alberta, Canada, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 9: 48-68.

2017 — Lu, W., Adamowicz, W., Jeffrey, S.R., Goss, G.G., Faramarzi, M., Crop yield response to climate variables on dryland versus irrigated landsCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 00:1-21. DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12149.

2016  —  Azari., M., Moradi, H.R., Saghafian, B., Faramarzi, M., Climate change impacts on stream flow and sediment yield in the North of Iran, Hydrological Sciences Journal 61(1): 123-133. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2014.967695.

2015  —  Faramarzi, M., Srinivasan, R., Iravani, M., Bladon, K.D., Abbaspour, K.C., Zehnder, A.J.B, Goss, G., Setting up a hydrological model of Alberta: Data discrimination procedure prior to calibration, Environmental Modelling & Software 74: 48-65.

2014  —  Schierhorn, F., Faramarzi, M., Prishchepov, A.V., Prishchepov, Koch, F.J., Muller, D., Quantifying yield gaps in wheat production in Russia, Environmental Research Letters, 9 084017.

2014  —  Schierhorn, F., Muller, D., Prishchepov, A.V., Faramarzi, M., Balmann, A., The potential of Russia to increase its wheat production through cropland expansion and intensification, Global Food Security 3: 133-141.

2013  —  Faramarzi, M., Abbaspour, K.C., A. Vaghefi, S., Farzaneh, M., Zehnder, A.J.B.  Srinivasan, R., Yang, H., Modeling impacts of climate change on freshwater availability in Africa, Journal of Hydrology 480: 85-101.

2013  —  Azimi, M., Heshmati, A., Farahpour, M., Faramarzi, M., Abbaspour, K., Modeling the impact of rangeland management on forage production of sagebrush species in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran, Ecological Modelling 250: 1-14.

2010  —  Faramarzi, M., Yang, H., Mousavi, J., Schulin, R., Binder, R.C., Abbaspour, K.C., Analysis of intra-country virtual water trade to alleviate water scarcity in Iran, HESS: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14: 1417-1433.

2010  —  Faramarzi, M., Abbaspour, K.C., Schulin, R., Yang, H., Modeling wheat yield and crop water productivity in Iran: implications of agricultural water management for wheat production, Agricultural Water Management 97: 1861-1875.

2009  —  Faramarzi, M., Abbaspour, K.C., Schulin, R., Yang, H., Modelling blue and green water resources availability in Iran, Hydrological Processes 23: 486-501.

2009  —  Abbaspour, K.C, Faramarzi, M., Seyed Ghasemi, S., Yang, H., Assessing impact of climate change on water resources of Iran, Water Resources Research 45, W10434.


2017 — Faramarzi, M., Besalatpour, A., Kaltofen, M., Application of the hydrological model SWAT in the Zayandeh Rud Catchment, pp: 219-240 in Mohajeri, S., Horlemann, L., Reviving the Dying Giant: Integrated Water Resources Management in Zayandeh Rud Catchment, Iran, Springer International Publishing, 1(0): 219-240.

2009  —  Faramarzi, M., Abbaspour, K.C., Schülin, R., Yang, H., Modeling blue and green water resources availability in Iran, pp: 183-209 in: Arnold, J., Srinivasan, R., Neitsch, S., George, C., Abbaspour, K., Gassman, P.H., Hao, F.H., Griensven, A., Gosain, A., Debels, P., Kim, N.W., Samura, H., Ella, V., Leon, L., Jintrawet, A., Reyes, M., and Sombatpanit, S.,  Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Global Applications, Special publication No. 4, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, Bangkok, 415p.


2010 — Faramarzi, M., Assessment of regional water endowments, crop water productivity, and implications for intracountry virtual water trade in Iran (Doctoral dissertation).